Swim for fun Swim for Fitness Swim for Wellness
People often feel that if they didn’t learn to swim as a kid that it’s too late. Not True!
Adults can successful learn how to swim gaining a valuable life saving tool, and activity to improve both physical, mental and emotional health.
Check out our class schedule!
2019 April Learn Swim Class Schedule
Here are just a few of the physical benefits of Swimming:
- Lowers blood pressure
- Reduces bad cholesterol and raises good cholesterol
- Aids in weight loss and weight maintenance
- Is easier on the joints than impact sports
- Benefits your immune system
- Preserves and improves functional capacity
- Strengthens muscles thanks to the greater resistance of water
- Makes your heart a better and more efficient pump
- Improves flexibility
- Reduces your risk for heart disease and diabetes
- Reduces chronic pain, particularly from arthritis
- Develops lung capacity and helps COPD and asthma
- Lowers cortisol
- Improves sleep
And the mental benefits of swimming
- Improves problem solving skills and memory
- Reduces stress
- Allows you to be disconnected in an increasingly overconnected world
- Reduces depression and anxiety
- Improves self-control and willpower which can translate to the rest of life
- Offers relaxation through the repetitive nature of movement
- Improves self esteem
- Improves mental toughness
Swimming is the new medicine and it’s fun!
Join us this April to learn to swim during National Learn to Swim month.