Banish Boredom, Boost your athleticism, and prevent joint injury with personal training.
Chances are you spend most of your workouts moving in just one direction.
Standard moves like lunging, squatting, and running, biking are all variations on front-to-back movement. Outside, it’s a different story: You twist, you turn, you bend. You step in all directions. You’re a three-dimensional mover.
Fitness professionals have terms for the planes of action: the sagittal plane, covers all those front-to-back gym moves; the frontal plane, which describes side-to-side movements like jumping jacks and side shuffles; and the transverse plane, which includes rotational motions that involve twisting or turning, like swinging a bat or throwing a ball.
The transverse plane is the most neglected and it’s the one we use the most. In our day-to-day lives, we rotate all the time: to check for oncoming traffic, to put on a jacket and in recreational activities: You can’t play golf or tennis, or practice yoga without lots of turning and twisting action through your spine, shoulders, and hips.
Training in the transverse plane will improve your rotational power, leading to a better performance in tennis, golf and other rotational activities and prevent you from rotating too much. Transverse training helps you prevent injury.
“We’ve got a full-body strength training session consisting of exercises geared to having you twist & turn in a strong, controlled and safe fashion, perfect for your tennis game, golf swing or every day life.”– Sean Hunt, TSH Head Personal Trainer