Yes, adults can learn to swim!
Our next session of adult swim lessons starts November 2nd. We often hear adults say ” I’d love to swim but I don’t know how, I’m fearful of the water, and I’m afraid that it’s too late for me to learn to swim”
In 2016 alone we have taught more than 60 adults how to swim. Noel Ford, is one of those swimmers, he has taken to the pool like a fish to water, so much so,that he is swimming 5 days/ week and loving it! We wanted to share his story of success, and let you know that you too can learn to swim! All it takes is an ” I’ll Try” , from you, and we will do the rest!
Noel Ford – ” Fear of the water/ swimming became part of my psyche.But over time, I have become enmeshed in the water. I have had some wonderful teachers and coaches”
” My quest to become a decent swimmer began when I was six years old and was deposited in Harvey’s Lake [Barnet, Vt.] and told to swim or sink. I quickly learned to master the dog paddle as my stroke of choice. However, a fear of the water/swimming became part of my psyche. Fast forward to recuperating from carpal tunnel operations on both wrists in February and March of 2015. My primary care physician, surgeon encouraged me to change the focus of my physical fitness routine to swimming. I never learned properly. It has been a struggle with countless gallons of water ingested, re-learning how to breathe, banging my heels on the pool lip while attempting flip-turns, losing ear plugs to the bottom of the pool, and de-fogging goggles. But, over time, I have become enmeshed in the water, completely in the present moment of stroke and kick, breath and head turn. No care, no worry, no errand, no excitement in my head. Body and mind, so often split, two alien entities, are, for at least a time, one. Oh, the joy! In the on-going process of learning to swim, I have had some wonderful teachers and coaches [Karyn Scherer, Rachel Haskins, and Jeremy Bradley]. The support from all of the swimmers has been extraordinary. Swimmers are special. Thanks for encouraging me to join the Master’s Swim Program. Twice a week sessions under the superb direction of Karyn Sherer [teacher/coach/Attila] are tough, but rewarding. Overall, I’m swimming at least 5 times a week. My goals for 2016 – 2017 are to: complete flip-turns, reduce my 500 meter time into the twelve – thirteen minute range, and continue swimming as a way of life by enjoying the feel and flow of the water during those endless laps.”
Sincerely, Noel Ford

Coach Karyn Scherer and Noel Ford
Thanks for sharing Noel, we are so proud of you learning to swim, and sharing your story. Thanks to you more adults will have the courage to declare the goal of learning to swim for fun, for fitness, for life!